Category: Authors

Maxwell Bauman

Maxwell Bauman is Owner/ Editor-In-Chief of Door Is A Jar Literary Magazine. He is a contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is Lead Editor of Aggadah Try It, an imprint of Madness Heart Press. They published his books, "The Revised Anarchist's Kosher Cookbook," "The Mummy of Canaan —Author Preferred Edition," and "The Giant Robots of Babel." Maxwell earned his MA / MFA in Fiction and Publishing from Wilkes University. His horror novella, "House of Blood and Teeth" was published by Nictitating Press and his YA Bisexual Romance novel "Gerald Ribbon and the Bird in His Brain" is published by Deep Hearts YA. He is a member of the Horror Writers Association and the Young Jewish Professionals, and is an associate member of the Jewish Art Salon, and makes LEGO art that has appeared in museums. You can follow Maxwell on Twitter (X) and Instagram  or visit his website


Books by Maxwell Bauman

Felyx Lawson

Felyx Lawson is a writer from the mysterious land of North East England who writes LGBTQ+ slice of life stories. He lives with his partner and they are saving for their own house. He knew he was gay from a young age but only fully accepted and embraced it in his mid-twenties.

He’s an avid gamer and will fight anyone to prove the SNES is the best console. If he isn’t writing, he can normally be found playing on his PS5. His favourite place to visit was Japan, not only for all the awesome manga, anime, and collectables, but also for the peaceful atmosphere even in one of the busiest cities in the world.

Books by Felyx Lawson

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Victoria Kinnaird

Victoria lives in Glasgow, Scotland with her French Bulldog, Charlie and her pug, Mr T. She graduated from the University of Strathclyde in 2009 with a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Journalism, Creative Writing and English Lit. Victoria has been writing since she was 15 years old. She loves rock music, and most of her tattoos are related to bands that she loves!





Books by Victoria Kinnaird

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Cara Aisling

Cara Aisling is a fantasy, paranormal, and sci-fi romance LGBTQ+ writer, published with Deep Hearts YA and Deep Desires Press. She is an avid fan of all things fantasy and has recently grown a fond love for Dungeons & Dragons. Cara might be what some may call a "dice goblin" too. There can never be too many dice in her bag. She is a lover of drama, action, and steamy romance of all kinds.

Cara is a mom of an adorable son who is becoming quite the gamer—just like his parents. His creative streak is definitely on his mom’s side whereas his genius and knack for figuring things out definitely comes from his amazing father. The house is also home to two cute cats, Kida and Anubis, as well as a beautiful husky named Mishka.

The Young King Arthur series is Cara’s biggest and perhaps most popular book series so far, though she does plan to introduce more works to DHYA and DDP in the future. In addition to writing, Cara is also studying 3D Art to join the gaming industry and perhaps one day bring her writing experience into gaming as well.

Books by Cara Aisling

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Hedge T. Haiden

Hedge is an interesting guy with an even more interesting name. Coming from the Japanese for 'Defence and Equilibrium' Hedge attempts to mitigate this seemingly grounded name with a personality that is the complete opposite.

As a qualified Bachelor of Arts in Music and Music Production, he uses this passion as a narrator of audiobooks. Currently his library of titles numbers more than twenty, with future ones coming. He has a plethora of genres that he's comfortable with including comedy, thriller, fantasy, espionage, and non-fiction.

Audiobooks narrated by Hedge T. Haiden

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Jake Martinez

Jake Martinez is a former South Texas resident who has found a new home in Chicago. He has been writing all his life but has only recently sought to be published. His debut novel, The Mixtape to My Life, reflects on life as a gay teen growing up in South Texas. Jake holds an MFA in Creative Writing and also loves to write plays and screenplays. Aside from writing, you can find him hanging out at home with his husband, their newborn son, and an eclectic group of fur babies.

Find Jake Martinez online:

Books by Jake Martinez

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Chris Bedell

Chris Bedell's previous publishing credits include Thought Catalog, Entropy Magazine, Chicago Literati, and Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, among others. His debut YA Fantasy novel IN THE NAME OF MAGIC was published by NineStar Press in 2018. Chris’s 2019 novels include his NA Thriller BURNING BRIDGES (BLKDOG Publishing), YA Paranormal Romance DEATHLY DESIRES (DEEP HEARTS YA), and YA Thriller COUSIN DEAREST (BLKDOG Publishing). His other 2020 novels include his YA Thriller I KNOW WHERE THE BODIES ARE BURIED (BLKDOG Publishing), YA Thriller BETWEEN THE LOVE AND MURDER (Between The Lines Publishing), and YA Sci-fi DYING BEFORE LIVING (Deep Hearts YA). Chris also graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 2016.

Follow Chris on Twitter.

Books by Chris Bedell

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Alison Cybe

Alison Cybe is a fantasy and horror author with multiple books/short story publications under their belt. They work as a freelance writer for tabletop RPG publishers, with other work featured in numerous horror and sci-fi/fantasy publications. They have a degree in Film & Media with a minor in sociology and media, they are non-binary with pronouns they/them.

They were born in Scotland and has written extensively on inclusion and positive representation within gaming communities in particular with relation to LGBTQ+ and transgender visibility in gaming publications and blogs. Their interests include celtic mythology, transhumanism, model kits and pet rats.

Books by Alison Cybe

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Shane Ulrrein

Shane Ulrrein is a life-long storyteller and first-time LGBT author currently living in Orange County, California, USA, who one day dreams of leaving his home in sunny Southern California for the wet, dreary weather of England.

Mr. Ulrrein has a Bachelor of Arts degree in music composition in California State University, Fullerton and is a proud member of the LGBT community. In his spare time, Mr. Ulrrein likes to draw, read, and write music that he hopes someday will be heard in all the great concert halls in the world.”


Books by Shane Ulrrein

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