Tag: lesbian

The Rest of Your Life Soundtrack

The Rest of Your Life Soundtrack

Benjamin Roesch

When teen musician Rainey Cobb gets noticed by a major record label, she’s caught between her rock & roll dreams and her sick father’s hope that she goes to college.

She finds a romantic diversion in Mia, a music-obsessed college dropout who makes the best mix tapes ever. But it's hard for Rainey to fully open her heart when she’s not quite ready to show the rest of the world she’s gay.

Signing a contract with the label should be a no-brainer. But they’re also demanding that Rainey swap her Grunge-curious look for Gap-catalog styles and her edgy original songs for a more radio-friendly sound. They even offer to pay her dad’s expensive cancer bills if she’ll commit to their vision—but how much should a dream really cost?

The Rest of Your Life Soundtrack publishes on September 6.

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Click here for Benjamin Roesch's author page.

The Reign of Ruth

The Reign of Ruth

Jazel L. Faith

In the Forest of Dahlia's depths, witches have long hidden from the clutches of malicious hunters. But as their numbers dwindle and hope fades, they turn to a sacrifice to create the most formidable witch to ever exist: Ruby, known only as the Red Demon.

Bound by fate, Ruby is thrust into a treacherous quest for freedom, her only ally being Lilith, a witch with the power to glimpse into the future. Together, they venture beyond their sanctuary, stepping into a world of hunters, life-changing discoveries, secrets, royalties, and magic to seek peace for their kind at last.

The girls will soon learn that no battle comes without sacrifice, and their choices hold the power to shape the destinies of all witches.

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My Only Real Friend is the Easter Bunny at the Mall

My Only Real Friend is the Easter Bunny at the Mall

Christina Bagni

When Mo’s therapist suggested she get an after-school job to help with her depression, she didn’t expect to end up as the photographer at the Easter Bunny photo set. She also didn’t expect to befriend Billy, the man in the bunny suit—an extremely tattooed ex-gangster (probably).

Mo’s therapist also didn’t lay out the risks. Like how Mo’s shoplifting habit might make things difficult with her mall cop dad. Or how the cute changing room attendant at Pandora’s Box might reveal to the world that Mo’s queer before she’s ready.

Or how it all might end with Mo getting arrested.

Well, whatever her therapist expected, Mo’s about to tell her the truth…for maybe the first time. Because after it all blows up, she’s all Mo’s got—besides her only real friend, the Easter Bunny at the mall.

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Tilting Gravity

Tilting Gravity

The Eichon Series, Book One

Jenn Storey

The moon is falling.

Born with the gravity majik needed to prevent certain doom, instead of training, seventeen-year-old Syd spends her days skipping academy classes to tinker with airships, ignoring her future as a soldier in the army of the Eichon–the goddess-gifted ruler of the planet. As expected, Syd ends up in the Director's office more often than not, and the academy has had to get creative with its "motivational methods" in hopes that Syd will begin to take her gravity majik seriously.

Luckily, she's untouchable, betrothed to the Eichon’s daughter, Adeline. Unluckily, Syd's about to learn she will be the next to take up the Eichon’s mantle.

Adeline has been groomed to follow in her mother’s footsteps since she was a child. When it’s revealed Syd, not Adeline, will become the next Eichon (not to mention do the impossible–save the world), trust begins to break as roles and identities fall apart. Then, when Adeline goes missing, Syd must choose: follow the destiny given to her or find Adeline.

All the while, the looming moon serves as an ever-present reminder of just how small–and thus how big–her problems truly are.

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Click here for Jenn Storey's Deep Hearts YA page.

Tilting Gravity is published by Dreamsphere Books, our imprint for fantasy and science-fiction. To learn more or to discover more great fiction, click here to visit the Dreamsphere website.

Blowin’ My Mind Like a Summer Breeze

Blowin' My Mind Like a Summer Breeze

Benjamin Roesch

Fifteen-year-old Rainey Cobb never thought meeting someone could actually change her life. But, then again, she’s never met anyone like Juliet.

It’s 1995 and The Cobb Family Band, led by Rainey’s rock star parents, has arrived for a week-long gig at the Midwestern resort owned by Juliet’s family. Dazzled by Juliet’s carpe diem attitude, DIY tattoos, and passion for grunge, Rainey falls hard. And when Juliet gives Rainey a mixtape that unlocks her heart’s secret yearnings, Rainey starts seeing herself—and her vagabond, show-biz life—through new eyes.

If Rainey quits the band, her parents’ fading career might never recover. But if she doesn’t leap now, she might be stuck forever in a life she didn’t choose…and always wonder who she could have been.

Teacher's guide / discussion guide can be downloaded here.

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Also available as an audiobook, narrated by Nicola Fordwood! The audiobook is currently nominated for a VoiceOver award from SOVAS!

Listen to a preview below!

This book has a Spotify playlist!
Listen to the mixtape that Juliet makes for Rainey!
Click here to visit Spotify

Mark of Ravage and Ruin

Mark of Ravage and Ruin

Jacyn Gormish

When Barli wakes up in a religious-run prison called the Asylum, she has one goal: get out and back to her girlfriend.

The Priest that runs the Asylum sees something more in Barli. He sees an assassin in the making. He pushes her into training to become a Black Sin, a killer for the clergy, free to roam the streets and eliminate anyone he wants removed from society.

For Barli, this is a way to escape and get back to her girlfriend's arms. She plays along with the Priest's plans, even if she has no desire to be a Black Sin.

But the friendships she develops along the way take her by surprise. In particular, she becomes fond of Ferran, a boy locked in the asylum for life for reasons she doesn't know...if there is even a valid reason for the power-hungry Priest to do such a thing.

When Barli's opportunity finally arises to set out into the city and escape to her lover, she learns something that stops her in her tracks.

Ferran is to be killed.

And only Barli can save him.

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