Tag: fantasy

Mark of Silence and Secrets

Mark of Silence and Secrets

Jacyn Gormish

Cassava is a Black Sin—an undesirable from society that has been trained as an assassin.

She goes where the Priests tell her and kills who they deem unworthy. But this next target is one that stops Cassava cold in her tracks; it's not the usual mark she has to take down. The Priests have learned of someone who is able to weave magic—something that shouldn't be possible, and something that needs to be controlled or eliminated. And to take care of this problem, the Priests are sending her to the mainland, a place forbidden to Cassava and her kind.

When she finds this girl who can weave magic, Cassava is immediately attracted and insatiably curious. She's also overwhelmed and in awe of the mainland, by how much more free and open and safe it is compared to the Islands. But that safety and openness is deceptive as her crush—the girl who weaves magic—soon goes missing, and in her search, Cassava unearths dark truths about the mainland.

And only someone like Cassava—a Black Sin—can do something about it.

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Victoria Kinnaird

Almost a decade ago, eight-year-old Wesley Darlington disappeared while on a family vacation on the tropical island of Ne’ver. He was found several days later with a bump on his head and no memory of what had happened.

Fast forward ten years and Wes is now a high school senior with a gorgeous, mysterious blonde stranger following him—a young man who seems vaguely familiar, though Wes can't place him. When one night this stranger crawls through his window, he tells Wes his name is Peter and he’s come from Neverland, a part of the island of Ne'ver shrouded by magic and hidden from the human world.

Peter is desperate for Wes's help; the infamous Captain Hook wants Neverland for himself, and if Peter can't defeat him in time, all will be lost. The weight of the world rests on Wes's shoulders. Will learning to fly be the scariest challenge for him? Or will falling in love with Peter be even scarier?

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Stone Feather Fang

Stone Feather Fang

Book One of The Stone of the Andolins Trilogy

A.G. Rodriguez

The gods—the cemi—have left the world of Ke’, and their lush and verdant Andolin Islands are now inhabited by impious followers.

Teenage priestess Hildy Rios is tasked with saving her religion. In a special ritual called the Telling, she must somehow reawaken her people’s love of the gods. Her effort is the last hope of her people: after this Telling, there will be no more chances, as the cemi will vanish into the past, their power forever lost to the world of Ke’.

The weight of her world on her shoulders, Hildy rewrites the Telling’s story—and her own. She weaves a tale of her distant ancestor, a boy named Jenaro, blessed with the ability to see and speak to the cemi; a boy who, though long past, becomes as much a part of the present by way of the Telling’s power.

For three days, Hildy brings to life the tale of Jenaro and his yearning for adventure, how he is haunted by the cemi of death, and who—like her—is fighting against the shackles of his family and society. For three days, Jenaro becomes real, and the power of the cemi to reach across time should be enough to convince Ke’s people, but their impiety runs so deep…

Hildy and Jenaro. Two people joined by cursed blood, but separated by centuries of time. Only the cemi know how their tales will end.

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Books by A.G. Rodriguez

Hunt for the Raven’s Spire

Hunt for the Raven's Spire

The Fae Age, Book Two

E.J. Graham

The ravens are coming...

A young woman, losing blood rapidly and carrying an orphaned fairy, arrives at the gates of the newly rebuilt Shadowglen, where Clint co-leads the new alliance of humans and fairies.

Before she can reveal who she is, she dies. He finds only one thing on her: a note with a name no fairy has come across in five hundred years. Sensing a mystery, Clint and his friends set out to discover where the fairy came from, unaware how deep the mystery truly is.

But they are in a race. Forces, both human and fairy, are on the same quest, some with darker purposes than others. One of the greatest secrets of the fairy race is about to be revealed, whether they wish it or not.

Clint must race to save the world, but in so doing will he set in motion events that cannot be stopped or undone? Is the world ready for what is about to be revealed?

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The Reign of Ruth

The Reign of Ruth

Jazel L. Faith

In the Forest of Dahlia's depths, witches have long hidden from the clutches of malicious hunters. But as their numbers dwindle and hope fades, they turn to a sacrifice to create the most formidable witch to ever exist: Ruby, known only as the Red Demon.

Bound by fate, Ruby is thrust into a treacherous quest for freedom, her only ally being Lilith, a witch with the power to glimpse into the future. Together, they venture beyond their sanctuary, stepping into a world of hunters, life-changing discoveries, secrets, royalties, and magic to seek peace for their kind at last.

The girls will soon learn that no battle comes without sacrifice, and their choices hold the power to shape the destinies of all witches.

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A.K. Adler

Luke and Aliya are just figments of each others’ dreams. Until the nightmares start, and each needs the other to be real. Fast.

Sixteen-year-old Luke wants to go unnoticed. He doesn't want a girlfriend. He doesn't want to live in his own skin. He definitely doesn't want to have panic attacks whenever he questions his gender identity.

And these problems are nothing compared to the problems he has while he's asleep. When Luke's asleep, he's someone else.

Aliya's options all look bad. Get married as everyone expects ... or acknowledge that her strange ability to walk in other people's dreams means she's a shaman. That power might gain her respect, or it might lead to her being feared and driven out of her home. Yet, how can she deny her power when it's the only thing that can save her community from danger?

Her life’s about to get a lot more complicated. Curses, epic journeys, battles with the forces of nature, nightmares that can drag you down into death. And a boy from another world who's stuck inside her head.

When Luke’s sister develops a terminal illness, his connection to the magic of Aliya’s world is her only hope. But can he come to terms with his secrets in order to claim that magic as his own?

Together, Luke and Aliya will discover that the key to both their problems lies in the same place: through their nightmares to the other side of fear.

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Books by A.K. Adler

The Aziza Chronicles: Awakening

The Aziza Chronicles: Awakening

TreVaughn Malik Roach-Carter

Discovering her descent from mythological African warriors called the Aziza was just the beginning of Justice Montgomery’s troubles. For not only has she been chosen to be their champion against supernatural evils—a demon is on the loose seeking to manipulate her into misusing her newfound powers.

Determined to do what’s right and live up to her heritage, Justice trains and forms a band of allies, both human and supernatural. Yet the demon is determined to lead her astray, in the hope that her power might be used to enact an ancient prophecy.

Should she succeed, Justice might become one of the most legendary Aziza to ever live. But should she fail, she might resurrect a goddess of Hell, and doom the world.

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Fairy War

Fairy War

The Fae Age #1

E.J. Graham

When Clint narrowly escapes an attack on his family home, he discovers that the world is far more magical—and dangerous—than he could have possibly imagined.

A battle rages, though it’s invisible to most. It isn’t between countries and militaries, it’s between magical creatures who inhabit Earth alongside humans. It’s been getting worse, and now threatens to destroy everyone. The only way to succeed is for fairies and humans to unite and work together. And Clint learns he's one of the few chosen humans who can lead this war.

In a world where fairy tales were banned and magical creatures are driven into hiding, uniting against an enemy seems an impossible task, even if failing to do so means the deaths of everyone everywhere.

But the impossible doesn’t daunt Clint, even as alliances form and break, secrets are revealed, trusts are broken, and lives are lost.

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Mark of Ravage and Ruin

Mark of Ravage and Ruin

Jacyn Gormish

When Barli wakes up in a religious-run prison called the Asylum, she has one goal: get out and back to her girlfriend.

The Priest that runs the Asylum sees something more in Barli. He sees an assassin in the making. He pushes her into training to become a Black Sin, a killer for the clergy, free to roam the streets and eliminate anyone he wants removed from society.

For Barli, this is a way to escape and get back to her girlfriend's arms. She plays along with the Priest's plans, even if she has no desire to be a Black Sin.

But the friendships she develops along the way take her by surprise. In particular, she becomes fond of Ferran, a boy locked in the asylum for life for reasons she doesn't know...if there is even a valid reason for the power-hungry Priest to do such a thing.

When Barli's opportunity finally arises to set out into the city and escape to her lover, she learns something that stops her in her tracks.

Ferran is to be killed.

And only Barli can save him.

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Young King Arthur And The Round Table Knights

Young King Arthur And The Round Table Knights

King Arthur Series #1

Cara Aisling

Arthur grew up a peasant, but when he was fourteen, Excalibur chose him, and now as King Arthur, he must learn to play the game of royalty quickly…or suffer the consequences.

There was no reason for Arthur to think he would ever become king.

A peasant and son of a baker, Arthur grew up in the castle town of Camelot. When he attended the Choosing Ceremony, it was merely to see who would draw the Holy Sword, Excalibur—to see who would inherit the throne of the recently departed King Uther. He never expected the sword would choose him…

But it did.

Now, at the young age of fourteen, he has become King Arthur, and for all the power he has gained, he has made just as many enemies. Surrounded by the Knights of the Round Table, and led by the mysterious mage, Merlin, Arthur is grateful for his allies, though he would just as soon return to his old life. Surely, someone more worthy should be chosen as king.

Arthur is in the middle of chaos, a world where everyone wants more than they let on, where many hate the idea of a young boy with no noble background being crowned king; where cold stares and whispered words are just as sharp as an assassin’s blade.

As Arthur fends for his life, he must draw on the strength of his knights, especially fifteen-year-old Mordred, who becomes closer to him than the mere bounds of duty. He must become king, not just in name, but in his heart.

And he must do it quickly, because his enemies want more than just his crown…

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