Tag: Gay



John Luke Maxwell

Anyone who grew up in the small town of Normal has heard of old Milholland Place. Crispin Galloway certainly has. He's lived next door to the haunted house for years.

It’s now 1997 and a new family is renting the creepy old house. Crispin isn't putting money on them sticking around for very long. Nobody who rents the Milholland Place ever does. He certainly has no intention of going over there himself. After all, he's got enough on his mind, what with having a sexual awakening and crushing on his best friend.

Unfortunately, his new neighbors are in the market for a babysitter to take care of their twin children, and Crispin needs money. The job seems easy enough, even though it means spending an evening at Spook Central, and the money is good. Crispin figures he can handle it.

But then, strange things start happening. Crispin hears noises he shouldn't. Odd messages are left for him. And there is a growing sense that someone—or something—is watching him. Is he merely the victim of a practical joke? Or are the stories about the old Milholland Place rooted in reality?

It's up to Crispin and his friends to discover the truth. Four meddling teenagers and their dog will have to band together to solve this mystery.

And it's not like that's ever happened before!

Normal publishes Friday August 2nd.

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Paperback link will be available August 2nd.

Click here for John Luke Maxwell's author page.



Victoria Kinnaird

Almost a decade ago, eight-year-old Wesley Darlington disappeared while on a family vacation on the tropical island of Ne’ver. He was found several days later with a bump on his head and no memory of what had happened.

Fast forward ten years and Wes is now a high school senior with a gorgeous, mysterious blonde stranger following him—a young man who seems vaguely familiar, though Wes can't place him. When one night this stranger crawls through his window, he tells Wes his name is Peter and he’s come from Neverland, a part of the island of Ne'ver shrouded by magic and hidden from the human world.

Peter is desperate for Wes's help; the infamous Captain Hook wants Neverland for himself, and if Peter can't defeat him in time, all will be lost. The weight of the world rests on Wes's shoulders. Will learning to fly be the scariest challenge for him? Or will falling in love with Peter be even scarier?

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Click here for Victoria Kinnaird's author page.

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Dylan James

Eli is headed out on a wilderness camping weekend with his boyfriend Brady and their best friends Keith and Stefan. For the guys, this weekend getaway is to celebrate graduating high school, but for Eli, it’s about creating wonderful final memories with Brady before he breaks up with him.

It’s not that he doesn’t love Brady, it’s that he doesn’t deserve Brady.

Brady is a young man that’s going somewhere—not just to the west coast for university—but in life. He has prospects ahead of him and the support of loving family behind him. Eli has none of those. Orphaned when he was just ten, he’s bounced from foster home to foster home and in a few weeks when he turns eighteen, he’s out on his own with no supports and no one behind him. He doesn’t want to drag down Brady with this, because it will eventually lead to the end of their relationship—so going out with good memories is the plan.

But for Eli, this plan is a weakness. Something evil has latched onto his unhappiness and his fears of rejection and isolation. When they set out on a hike to an abandoned church, it’s a trek Eli won’t return from as he is entrapped by a demon that draws on his deepest fears and brings them to life.

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Click here for Dylan James's author page.

Of Gods and Boys

Of Gods and Boys

Harry F. Rey

Teenager Achilles is fresh out of juvie.

It wasn't even for something he did; he took the fall for a crime committed by his father, a member of the Greek mafia. As hard as prison was for Achilles, being outside is proving even harder. He struggles to reconnect with his former girlfriend Carla while getting his GED and navigating the bizarre parole condition of qualifying for a Greco-Roman wrestling competition. At least his mom, an ardent follower of traditional Greek religion, is there to help Achilles win the favor of the gods with animal sacrifices in the back garden.

When Principal McKenna sets Achilles up with a student tutor, out-and-proud Hispanic math genius Jesús, things start to turn mythical. After saving Jesús from a violent homophobic attack, the Gods want a word with Achilles. With the help of Underworld boatman Charon (in full drag), Achilles' heroic actions spark an epic adventure of mythological proportions that will force Achilles to confront, and defeat, all his many, many demons in order to win what his heart truly desires.

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Click here for Harry F. Rey's author page.

You Can Call Me Cooper

You Can Call Me Cooper

Cali Kitsu

Eighteen and newly single, baseball all-star Coop Morgan should feel devastated, but instead he feels...ambivalent. That is, until Ethan Prescott, his coach's gorgeous son, joins the team. Coop and Ethan feel an immediate connection, one that Coop has never felt before.

Just when Coop is about to make a move on Ethan, he stumbles on his late mother's journal and learns old secrets—about his family, about the people around him, about his past, and about his present. Secrets that had forever altered the course of his life to bring him to where he is now.

Between these long-buried secrets, forbidden romances, baseball shenanigans, and more, Coop is driven to embrace what he truly wants—Ethan. It takes everything Coop has to free himself from the shackles of the past, but in doing so, he might just be the key to everyone getting their happy-ever-afters.

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Click here for Cali Kitsu's author page.

Books by Cali Kitsu

Cage of Nightingales

Cage of Nightingales

Angelio, Book One

Elizabeth Hopkinson

In a highly-structured eighteenth-century society, the city state of Angelio is known for two things: its music, and its guardian, the Archangel Michael.

At Angelio’s music school—nicknamed the Cage of Nightingales—castrato singer Carlo is headed for fame at the opera … at the price of personal freedom. Charity pupil Tammo hates the school and everyone in it, and wants to live in the woods, charming birds with his flute.

When Tammo meets Carlo, their lives change forever. With the help of the Archangel, they can grant to each other whatever their hearts desire. But staying true isn’t easy, and their choices will affect not just their futures, but that of Celestina—a young aristocrat destined to be the third person in their relationship.

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Our L.I.F.E.

Our L.I.F.E.

L.I.F.E., Book Three

Felyx Lawson

Rider Williams is your typical College student. He has classes, plays guitar, is in a long distance relationship, is missing his boyfriend, and has become a teaching assistant in his first semester. Okay so he’s not your typical college student.

Being so far away from each other is more difficult than Rider or Cam could have imagined. They are struggling to stay connected, but when Rider meets Nixs, an older student who he has so much in common with, it’s not long till Rider starts having feelings and things get a lot more complicated. Cam is also struggling, not only with missing Rider but with a number of his teammates when they discover he’s dating a guy.

Is it just the distance that’s the issue, or will the potential of new love be to much?

Freshman year has only just begun but Rider already knows College L.I.F.E is a lot more complex than high school.

Publisher's Note:
This story explores love, friendship, and chosen family, but it also explores depression and self-harm. Please read with care.

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Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

Happy Lucky Everything, Book Two

Kieran Frank

Jayden has dropped his ex, Kail, but he deserved it, even if it leaves Jayden feeling lonely. His bestie, Sasha, is going out of state for college next year, creating a countdown for the end of their friendship. Ollie continues to capture Jayden's heart, but that boy isn't around much these days. Gracie, a Christian extremist with a hate-on for Jayden, just keeps making his life worse. And his mother doesn't seem to care about anything except her new boyfriend, Mitch.

Now, there’s someone new who enters Jayden's life...

Geoff is an exchange student from Germany. He's staying with Sasha and her family—and he seems to be taking Jayden's place in Sasha's life. Maybe that countdown to the end of their friendship is already over? But as Jayden forces himself to learn to like Geoff, he learns he might like him a little more than he wanted to. Jayden's heart belongs to Ollie, but Ollie's not around enough. Geoff, though...

Ollie started as Jayden's squish, then became a crush. But will he also be that special sweet thing that gives Jayden all the feels? Or will Geoff claim that space in Jayden's heart instead?

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Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

S.W. Ballenger

Hawk has the perfect life with the perfect girlfriend that he's loved since seventh grade. He's built his whole world around her, and he knows that once they graduate and enter the adult world, he's going to marry her and they're going to start a family.

This rock-solid life is shaken after a chance encounter with his former childhood best friend, Gabe. He's now the quarterback of the rival school's football team, tall, rugged, handsome...all of which awakens feelings Hawk thought he'd buried long ago.

When tragedy destroys Hawk's perfect world, he turns to the only one that can help him through—Gabe. With his best friend's help, will Hawk be able to rebuild his world and regain his footing? Or will he sink so deep into depression that he'll never escape?

Publisher's Note:
Hunting Rabbits in the Dark takes place in a small town in Arkansas. It's set five years after the events of A Boy Remade, but can be read as a standalone. This novel explores teen grief, depression, bisexuality, and love.

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Twins for Life

Twins for Life

Felyx Lawson

A pair of identical twins.

One is a jock, the other a theatre geek.
One is popular, the other has a small friend group.
One is single, the other is secretly dating.
One is straight, the other is gay.

When younger, Billy and Bobby Davenport were extremely close but as they grew up they went their separate ways. Billy embraced his love for acting and Bobby dominated at basketball, but with a case of mistaken identity, their worlds are about to collide.

After someone sees one of the twins kissing a guy at a party, it quickly spreads around the school that Billy is gay since he's an actor. He’s about to set everyone straight…until his brother reluctantly comes out to him…but Bobby isn’t ready to be out to anyone else.

Bobby asks for one thing, but the request is anything but simple.

Can Billy pretend to be gay to protect his brother?

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