Tag: paranormal

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Dylan James

Eli is headed out on a wilderness camping weekend with his boyfriend Brady and their best friends Keith and Stefan. For the guys, this weekend getaway is to celebrate graduating high school, but for Eli, it’s about creating wonderful final memories with Brady before he breaks up with him.

It’s not that he doesn’t love Brady, it’s that he doesn’t deserve Brady.

Brady is a young man that’s going somewhere—not just to the west coast for university—but in life. He has prospects ahead of him and the support of loving family behind him. Eli has none of those. Orphaned when he was just ten, he’s bounced from foster home to foster home and in a few weeks when he turns eighteen, he’s out on his own with no supports and no one behind him. He doesn’t want to drag down Brady with this, because it will eventually lead to the end of their relationship—so going out with good memories is the plan.

But for Eli, this plan is a weakness. Something evil has latched onto his unhappiness and his fears of rejection and isolation. When they set out on a hike to an abandoned church, it’s a trek Eli won’t return from as he is entrapped by a demon that draws on his deepest fears and brings them to life.

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Phantasia #1

Mark Kelly

The Geist exist to ferry ghosts away from dead bodies and into the gates of the afterlife. At least, that’s what Ash Murphy was told after he died in a fiery car crash and became one.

Ash is forced to leave his old life behind and join the ranks of the mostly invisible, seemingly immortal Geist. And they all seem pretty perky for people who deal with death on a daily basis.

After years of rejection and isolation, Ash finally has a group of friends he's willing to fight for. Of course, not everyone believes that Geist are doing God's work. Ash discovers this when he attracts the ire of The Brotherhood of Eternity, who believe Geist are actually murdering those they reap. And they will stop at nothing to exorcize every Geist on Earth.

Ash will do whatever it takes to defend his new family and take down the Brotherhood…or he'll die (again) trying.

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Frankenstein Builds a Boyfriend

Frankenstein Builds a Boyfriend

Fangville High #1

Dylan James

After humiliation at the hands of Fangville High’s sexiest incubus, Victor Frankenstein is determined to get his revenge...and a cute boy.

Victor Frankenstein is having the suckiest junior year at Fangville High.

He’d always been content with his place in school—he has his best friend Igor, the occasional date with a cute werewolf, and his grades are decent. It’s never really bothered him that he’s on the lowest level of the school’s social hierarchy.

But all of that changes when an incubus wants to make out with him. Not just any incubus, but the hunkiest and most popular incubus at school. Just as Victor thinks his life is going to get way better, it all comes crashing down when he learns this is all a joke and the punchline is Victor being humiliated in front of the entire school.

Now he’s on a mission—to exact revenge on the incubus, to score an even hotter boyfriend, to climb to the top of the social ladder, and to claim his destiny as the most awesome mad scientist ever.

How will he accomplish all this? By building the boyfriend of his dreams from spare parts he and Igor dig up at the cemetery.

That’ll work.


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Deathly Desires

Deathly Desires

Chris Bedell

17-year-old Cody’s biggest problem isn’t his relationship with a grim reaper so he can get over a past unrequited crush. It’s his “I Know What You Did Last Summer” like situation him and his friends are trying to solve before they die themselves.

I know what you did last spring…

When 17-year-old Cody's unrequited crush, Mason, is killed by his friend Veronica, he helps her successfully cover up the murder. That is until the start of their Junior Year, when everyone involved receives a menacing note from someone who knows what they did.

The blackmail about Mason’s death quickly escalates to stalking, arson, and attempted murder. Cody and his friends must discover who found them out before they get killed themselves. And fast.

Noah has an altogether different secret. He’s a grim reaper, escorting people to the afterlife when they die. When his path collides with Cody, a spark soon forms between them. But whether they can make their relationship work is a different question. If Cody and Noah want a real chance at love, they’re going to have to be honest with each other about everything they’ve been hiding from the world.

If you like your PRETTY LITTLE LIARS with a hefty dose of Tara Sim’s TIMEKEEPER, Deathly Desires is the book for you.

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