Category: Books

Our L.I.F.E.

Our L.I.F.E.

L.I.F.E., Book Three

Felyx Lawson

Rider Williams is your typical College student. He has classes, plays guitar, is in a long distance relationship, is missing his boyfriend, and has become a teaching assistant in his first semester. Okay so he’s not your typical college student.

Being so far away from each other is more difficult than Rider or Cam could have imagined. They are struggling to stay connected, but when Rider meets Nixs, an older student who he has so much in common with, it’s not long till Rider starts having feelings and things get a lot more complicated. Cam is also struggling, not only with missing Rider but with a number of his teammates when they discover he’s dating a guy.

Is it just the distance that’s the issue, or will the potential of new love be to much?

Freshman year has only just begun but Rider already knows College L.I.F.E is a lot more complex than high school.

Publisher's Note:
This story explores love, friendship, and chosen family, but it also explores depression and self-harm. Please read with care.

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Hunt for the Raven’s Spire

Hunt for the Raven's Spire

The Fae Age, Book Two

E.J. Graham

The ravens are coming...

A young woman, losing blood rapidly and carrying an orphaned fairy, arrives at the gates of the newly rebuilt Shadowglen, where Clint co-leads the new alliance of humans and fairies.

Before she can reveal who she is, she dies. He finds only one thing on her: a note with a name no fairy has come across in five hundred years. Sensing a mystery, Clint and his friends set out to discover where the fairy came from, unaware how deep the mystery truly is.

But they are in a race. Forces, both human and fairy, are on the same quest, some with darker purposes than others. One of the greatest secrets of the fairy race is about to be revealed, whether they wish it or not.

Clint must race to save the world, but in so doing will he set in motion events that cannot be stopped or undone? Is the world ready for what is about to be revealed?

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Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

Happy Lucky Everything, Book Two

Kieran Frank

Jayden has dropped his ex, Kail, but he deserved it, even if it leaves Jayden feeling lonely. His bestie, Sasha, is going out of state for college next year, creating a countdown for the end of their friendship. Ollie continues to capture Jayden's heart, but that boy isn't around much these days. Gracie, a Christian extremist with a hate-on for Jayden, just keeps making his life worse. And his mother doesn't seem to care about anything except her new boyfriend, Mitch.

Now, there’s someone new who enters Jayden's life...

Geoff is an exchange student from Germany. He's staying with Sasha and her family—and he seems to be taking Jayden's place in Sasha's life. Maybe that countdown to the end of their friendship is already over? But as Jayden forces himself to learn to like Geoff, he learns he might like him a little more than he wanted to. Jayden's heart belongs to Ollie, but Ollie's not around enough. Geoff, though...

Ollie started as Jayden's squish, then became a crush. But will he also be that special sweet thing that gives Jayden all the feels? Or will Geoff claim that space in Jayden's heart instead?

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The Reign of Ruth

The Reign of Ruth

Jazel L. Faith

In the Forest of Dahlia's depths, witches have long hidden from the clutches of malicious hunters. But as their numbers dwindle and hope fades, they turn to a sacrifice to create the most formidable witch to ever exist: Ruby, known only as the Red Demon.

Bound by fate, Ruby is thrust into a treacherous quest for freedom, her only ally being Lilith, a witch with the power to glimpse into the future. Together, they venture beyond their sanctuary, stepping into a world of hunters, life-changing discoveries, secrets, royalties, and magic to seek peace for their kind at last.

The girls will soon learn that no battle comes without sacrifice, and their choices hold the power to shape the destinies of all witches.

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Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

S.W. Ballenger

Hawk has the perfect life with the perfect girlfriend that he's loved since seventh grade. He's built his whole world around her, and he knows that once they graduate and enter the adult world, he's going to marry her and they're going to start a family.

This rock-solid life is shaken after a chance encounter with his former childhood best friend, Gabe. He's now the quarterback of the rival school's football team, tall, rugged, handsome...all of which awakens feelings Hawk thought he'd buried long ago.

When tragedy destroys Hawk's perfect world, he turns to the only one that can help him through—Gabe. With his best friend's help, will Hawk be able to rebuild his world and regain his footing? Or will he sink so deep into depression that he'll never escape?

Publisher's Note:
Hunting Rabbits in the Dark takes place in a small town in Arkansas. It's set five years after the events of A Boy Remade, but can be read as a standalone. This novel explores teen grief, depression, bisexuality, and love.

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Twins for Life

Twins for Life

Felyx Lawson

A pair of identical twins.

One is a jock, the other a theatre geek.
One is popular, the other has a small friend group.
One is single, the other is secretly dating.
One is straight, the other is gay.

When younger, Billy and Bobby Davenport were extremely close but as they grew up they went their separate ways. Billy embraced his love for acting and Bobby dominated at basketball, but with a case of mistaken identity, their worlds are about to collide.

After someone sees one of the twins kissing a guy at a party, it quickly spreads around the school that Billy is gay since he's an actor. He’s about to set everyone straight…until his brother reluctantly comes out to him…but Bobby isn’t ready to be out to anyone else.

Bobby asks for one thing, but the request is anything but simple.

Can Billy pretend to be gay to protect his brother?

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My Only Real Friend is the Easter Bunny at the Mall

My Only Real Friend is the Easter Bunny at the Mall

Christina Bagni

When Mo’s therapist suggested she get an after-school job to help with her depression, she didn’t expect to end up as the photographer at the Easter Bunny photo set. She also didn’t expect to befriend Billy, the man in the bunny suit—an extremely tattooed ex-gangster (probably).

Mo’s therapist also didn’t lay out the risks. Like how Mo’s shoplifting habit might make things difficult with her mall cop dad. Or how the cute changing room attendant at Pandora’s Box might reveal to the world that Mo’s queer before she’s ready.

Or how it all might end with Mo getting arrested.

Well, whatever her therapist expected, Mo’s about to tell her the truth…for maybe the first time. Because after it all blows up, she’s all Mo’s got—besides her only real friend, the Easter Bunny at the mall.

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Tilting Gravity

Tilting Gravity

The Eichon Series, Book One

Jenn Storey

The moon is falling.

Born with the gravity majik needed to prevent certain doom, instead of training, seventeen-year-old Syd spends her days skipping academy classes to tinker with airships, ignoring her future as a soldier in the army of the Eichon–the goddess-gifted ruler of the planet. As expected, Syd ends up in the Director's office more often than not, and the academy has had to get creative with its "motivational methods" in hopes that Syd will begin to take her gravity majik seriously.

Luckily, she's untouchable, betrothed to the Eichon’s daughter, Adeline. Unluckily, Syd's about to learn she will be the next to take up the Eichon’s mantle.

Adeline has been groomed to follow in her mother’s footsteps since she was a child. When it’s revealed Syd, not Adeline, will become the next Eichon (not to mention do the impossible–save the world), trust begins to break as roles and identities fall apart. Then, when Adeline goes missing, Syd must choose: follow the destiny given to her or find Adeline.

All the while, the looming moon serves as an ever-present reminder of just how small–and thus how big–her problems truly are.

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Click here for Jenn Storey's Deep Hearts YA page.

Tilting Gravity is published by Dreamsphere Books, our imprint for fantasy and science-fiction. To learn more or to discover more great fiction, click here to visit the Dreamsphere website.

A Broke Boy in a Rich Girl’s Heart

A Broke Boy in a Rich Girl's Heart

C.K. Dion

Sallie lives a comfortable life in a wealthy resort town. Things seem to go well in her life, from her parents supporting her transition to her budding businesses making jewelry to her awesome best friend.

This comfortable life takes an unexpected detour—the good kind—when she meets fellow teen artist Cris. While the start of their friendship is awkward, he quickly becomes an important part of her life and those feelings soon grow. That chance meeting blossoms into a relationship with both teens head over heels in love.

But not everyone is happy about this.

The problem? Cris comes from the wrong part of town and Sallie’s parents have a problem with that. They’d rather see her with someone like Aidan—good looks, athletic, respectable family, great wealth—than someone like Cris.

With endless obstacles and challenges thrown in their way, will this broke boy find a permanent place in this rich girl’s heart?

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Books by C.K. Dion

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The Mixtape to the Real Me

The Mixtape to the Real Me

Jake Martinez

After a crazy summer of teenage drama and newfound love, Justin Ortega and Dominic Mendoza have decided to take things slower in order to really get to know each other. Both have dreamt of being with someone who truly understands them, but neither teen thought it would be this hard, especially when you have to keep your relationship a secret from the whole world.

Just when they think their lives will always be filled with sneaking around, along comes a new student who opens their eyes to some wonderful new possibilities. But the road to a bright future has some harsh realities, and not everyone is pleased to see the new couple roam the halls of Garza High. Things get especially tense for Dominic when an unwanted figure shows up wanting to see him.

Will Justin and Dominic be able to find a happy ending, or will their past and future collide in ways they never expected?

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